Sunday, January 18, 2009

All grown up!

I really need to finish blogging abt Dubai. I haven't even gotten to the part of my $200 lunch at the 7-star glass hotel yet! HAHA! Shall cover tt tgt with Meng Meng's 21st and the prawning and Red Cliff day aft the FMRP paper tmr.

For now, I need to get something off my chest! ROAR!

I am loved. :)

Because I hv Darren to satisfy my food cravings...

Splurge on my "waste money" hobby...

Make me laugh coz some things are just plain heng-suay!

And more importantly, trying till he got it. :)

Because I have Cheeleng to buy me pretty pretty accessories and tons of matching buddy stuff. ^^

The pearl and crystal ensemble looks better in a Cheeleng-style mish mash of bangles! :P

Because I have Xueqin who brought back Rocklea Road chocs from Aussie because I mentioned they were nice.

She also remembers my preference for Malaysian kit-kats (with all the paper and foil!) and brought back Aussie kit-kats just so I can attempt to taste the difference.

Not to mention all my other sweet sweet friends who filled my whole drawer plus a few other mooncake boxes with candy and treats. :)

I have also learnt tt when you seek something, and if it is meant to be, it will either find you some time later or you will simply, find something better.

Lost this in China, found it back but eventually lost it again. I was devastated bcoz it is just so so so cute tt I came back to Singapore and visited literally every minibits shop frm Changi Airport to Lot 1.

Now months later, I was just casually browsing (attempting to use up my capitaland vouchers) when I found it in Tamp Mall!

And I got another sweet item frm the same range. :) I know spending 15 bucks on 2 hair clips isn't pocket-friendly but its FATE! Heh Heh Heh.

Same goes for the handphone. After a super-duper long time researching fancy models like Samsung OMNIA, I grew so fed-up tt I just walked into a Singtel shop the other day and bought the only phone I had the budget for. Its cheap and it serves me well. So I am satisfied.

I also realised I am really not stupid. (Oops!)

Because in an evening of majong watching...

I learnt and could even win on my own. :)

I also discovered how small this world really is.

On Magnus Period 2 result release day, I was devastated for the 2nd wk in a row.. So I went out with A. It was late and the only company I could seek were those with their own modes of transport. :P

Speeding down the highway at 120km/h, supper at funny out-of-reach makan places and midnight movies made me abit gaga and seriously tempted into entering "the game" again.

But lo and behold. Before I really floated at all, I met a long lost friend. We all live in Tampines but the saga had to unfold in a faraway army camp. The truth came out through pure coincidence. Dramatic hur? I was in a daze much of yesterday.. Throughout the night even.

No, I wasn't hurt nor angry. Just confused.

I tried to give the benefit of the doubt. Same yr, same house, same bike, same camp, same job scope but different person? I wished. But today, I confirmed the phone number with this friend of mine. It matched. So this brings me to the pt of wondering are all men cheating flirts - right inside.

Jessica says, everything happens for a reason. So I know more now. Not so naive, not so believing.

But I must say, I didn't go on online dating sprees hor! Just to clarify, the ppl I am hanging with now are real-life interactions and not some despo hidden behind his facebook identity. I swore off tt a long time ago! And neither did I generalise by judging men because 2/3 being two-timers is a pretty high record. The remaining 1/3 wasn't even considered because I am fussy abt age. :P

"Are-you-kidding-me" sentence of the day: You shld be flattered if a guy wants to cheat on his girl with you.

Anyway, I am not gonna trash things out or confront him or do anything similar to a soap opera cause truth to be told, I barely care abt the fella and I am too old to be infatuated. Okay, i threw a fit. Blah blah!

Besides, if all else fails, there are always funny things in day-to-day life to remind me, smile coz someone is falling in love with my smile. :)


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